Monday, April 14, 2008

Welcome to Rubik's Cube Fans!

Hi! I'm Taskaro, and I'm a Rubik's Cube Fan! or at least that's what i'd say if i was in an official club like the sex addict club in Blades of Glory 0o....I'm taskaro a rubiks freak non-the less. post solutions to the rubik's cube here! post youtube links to good tutorials? DO IT! discuss different methods to solve the cube and discuss other puzzles as well! i'm personally a solver of the 2x2x2 and the 3x3x3. post your abilties as well ^^ well chat!


Taskaro said...

Maxx said...

sheesh taskaro!!! I can't believe you made this, but it's pretty cool! :D

Taskaro said...

yes XD!!!!! well i need more people to get here